Almost Religious
We love genuine music, we do our best to run our company with the same kind of values that our favorite labels where run in the 90´s when we grow up. We believe that there should be a trust between the musician, the label, and the listeners. Our only small and humble goal is to make the world a better place through music. We have had that idea since we started up in 2011.
Almost Religious runs five labels and one web store:
The Sign Records
Lövely Records
Daughters & sons
Religious Vömit
Freight Train
We are distribuated by:
Cargo Records - Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Code7/Plastic Head - UK & Eire
Sonic Rendevouz - Belgium, Netherlands, Luxenburg
MVD Distribution - North America, Australia, New Zeeland and Japan
Bengans - Sweden
Rilbar - Denmark
Supersounds - Finland
Phonofile - Digital